I am now running

[root@elmo msg]# rpm -qa | grep sympa

on a LM 7.1 system.  My mail program is:

[root@elmo msg]# rpm -qa | grep postfix

I have these entries in my aliases file:

listmaster:     root
sympa:          "| /var/lib/sympa/bin/queue sympa "
bounce+*:       "| /var/lib/sympa/bin/bouncequeue sympa "
sympa-request:  listmaster
sympa-owner:    listmaster

However, a [EMAIL PROTECTED] request goes in the queue as:

[root@elmo msg]# pwd
[root@elmo msg]# ls -l
total 8
-rw-------    1 root     nobody        853 Nov  4 14:47
-rw-------    1 root     nobody        853 Nov  4 14:58

Note the permissions of the request.  My su sympa -c
/var/lib/symba/bin/sympa.pl -d says:

[root@elmo msg]# su sympa -c "/var/lib/sympa/bin/sympa.pl -d -m -f
Configuration file read
Using locale file us.cat version 2.6
Sympa 2.7.3 Started
Sympa 2.7.3 Started
Reaper unwaited pids :
Open = 0
Processing /var/lib/sympa/spool/msg/sympa.973365861.26685 with priority 1
Can't open /var/lib/sympa/spool/msg/sympa.973365861.26685: Permission denied
No From found in message, skipping.
Renaming bad file sympa.973365861.26685 to BAD-sympa.973365861.26685
Reaper unwaited pids :
Open = 0
Reaper unwaited pids :
Open = 0
Reaper unwaited pids :
Open = 0


Why are the queue entries not owned sympa.sympa ?  Or why aren't the
permissions 666 so
that sympa (running as user "sympa") can access them?

What really confuses me is: Why is sympa ALLOWED TO RENAME the file???


I should include some neat signature here, but I haven't thought of one yet.

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