On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 08:29:03AM +1000, tommiy wrote:
> I've finished installing 7.2 and wooo it looks nice but it appears to
> have a serious problem for me.
> Basically if I have any serious hd activity....like copying 2-300 meg on
> my hd or using bzip to compress stuff then it causes the serial port to
> have no access time. Basically the serial comms almost stops. If your
> sitting on the net then almost everything stops....ftp sessions go from
> 5.2k/s down to 8bytes/sec. When the disk activity stops then everything
> starts back up again. This didn't occur with 7.1 and its really
> unlivable with 7.2.
> Anyone have some idea before I shelve 7.2?
> Thanks

Got your serial ports' IRQs set up correctly?


                -- C^2

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