Ever since importing the Windows truetype fonts on my Linux Mandrake 7.2
system, I've been having trouble with xfs. 

I used the strong truetype checking option to help avoid problems, but
when xfs is started as the xfs user it gives the following error and dies.
This is what I get when I run xfs -port -1 from the commandline:

_FontTransSocketINETCreateListener: Unable to get service for -1
_FontTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for tcp
_FontTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.font-unix should be set to root
FontCacheInitialize: hi=1048576, lo=786432, bal=70
xfs error: Element #6 (starting at 0) of font path is bad or has a bad

The same thing happens when I ask xfs to -droppriv 

However, when I run xfs as root, it starts and runs fine:

SocketINETCreateListener: Unable to get service for -1
_FontTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for tcp
FontCacheInitialize: hi=1048576, lo=786432, bal=70

After perusing strace output, I can't find anything that is unreadable by
the user xfs, so I don't know what to make of this error, as it doesn't
appear to be a filesystem permission problem.  I've also tried with
explicitly specifying -config /etc/X11/fs/config when running as root to
make sure the fonts it's trying to use are the same.

Any hints?


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