i'm trying to get sshd working.  it's not accepting connections.  :/

here is the error message i get.  i have a feeling it's the way my
hosts.allow/deny files are set up.  can anyone give me a hand?

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

my hosts.allow file:

in.sshd : ALL 192.168.100. 192.168.1. : ALLOW
in.telnetd : LOCAL : ALLOW

my hosts.deny file:

ALL : ALL EXCEPT localhost : DENY

i can telnet to this machine, but not ssh.  now i know that i have the
hosts.deny folder to deny everything but the localhost, but even when i
remove that line it still harrasses me.

on the same note, does anyone know any good how-tos on hosts.allow and
hosts.deny and thier formats and the like.

sorry if this e-mail is greek...i'm getting a T-1 installed and my head is
spinning.  they just "accidently"  pulled the plug on our SCOdb server.

sys/net admin

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