Title: gnome pilot conduits

OK, I think I have got past my gpilotd issue, I can now connect to my visor.  I uninstalled the gnome-pilot and gnome-pilot conduits.  Searched the files system and removed all gpilot and gpilot conduit references.  I even uninstalled pim-conduits.  Downloaded the source rpms from mandrake, added the --enable-visor-usb switch to the gnome-pilot spec file. and created new rpms for gnome-pilot and gnome-pilot-conduits, as a bonus I got gnome-pilot-devel.  The rpms installed perfectly, no problems.  I connect to the visor, even got the userid.  When ever I try to configure conduits I get a crash and the error message "perhaps the conduit isn't properly installed".  Did I need to add something about the visor to the conduits spec file?  Would seem silly to me, but one never knows.  The gnome-pim-conduits can be configured, but I get error messages upon connection about invalid conduit type.  Has anybody successfully used any of the gnome-conduits?  Any suggestions as to what might be going on would be appreciated.  I searched gnome.org bug list and didn't find anything relevant ...yet. I will continue the search.

I have no problem using jpilot to connect and sync, but would like a more integrated desktop.  I am looking at gnome because it seems that kpilot and conduits for kde2 has dropped off the face of the earth, otherwise I would probably be beating my head against the kde2 stuff.  My basic goal is to have a desktop calendar that is in parity with the visor, a mail program that uses the email address from the visor address book and yada..yada.

Thanks again,

Jerry S.

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