Dear all,

I want to run two different scripts at boot time depending on the lilo

Eg.: If lilo entry A is selected, I want to run script A automaticaly.
This script would set up several things, and I want linux to boot   into
initlevel 3 .

On the other hand, if entry B is selected I want to run script B, and Linux to
boot into initlevel 5. 

What do I have to set to be able to do this?!

Similar problem:

Does anyone know what happens, when someone uses different profiles in LM7.2
for different laptop network confs? 

Is there a script which runs and sets the network profiles depending on the
profiles in lilo.conf (append prof=Office vs Home)?  I think this does exactly
what I want, I just do not know what happens then...Anyone has an idea?

Thanks in advance:  Viktor

----Viktor Lakics----

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