Related to an imap email problem I posted just prior to this message...
I have two email accounts, one via work and one from uswest.  Kmail handles 
my uswest account (pop3) no problem but it doesn't work with my work-provided 
imap account (inspite of setting it all up via kontrol-center).  As a result, 
unless I install mozilla or netscape, which nicely handles imap, I need to 
access the work account via a web page.  The problem is the web interface is 
Outlook and is laden with java.  To use the interface, javascript and java 
must work.  It doesn't with konqueror (but does with netscape or mozilla).

I have javascript and java enabled, even have the IBM java1.3 jre installed, 
but all I can do with the web mail interface is login and see the list of 
emails.  I am unable to read them.  If I select a message to read, nothing 
happens - and this is a java-related problem.  

What does it take to make konqueror play nice with java pages and javascript? 
 Why is it that netscape and mozilla do it very nicely but konqueror fails?

Is anyone else stuck having to use an Outlook web-interface system to get 
their mail?  I would MUCH prefer to use imap and kmail but since it doesn't 
seem to work...


Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.


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