It's been a good discussion. I just thought I might point out your not 
really using the term `commercial' correctly [many Open Source folk 
don't]. The opposite of Open Source is closed source. The opposite of 
commerical is non-commercial.

Mandrake is a commercial Open Source OS -  the commerce occurs in that 
Mandrake use their Linux distribution to gain revenue from boxed sets, 
consulting, customized development, andd cetification programs.

DB2 is a commercial closed source database.

Powerarchiver [] is a mostly non-commerical closed 
source archiving app.

And many small Open Source apps are non-commerical, like gqview or 
similar, though this may change soon.

Personally, I don't care at all whether something is commerical or 
otherwise [they're very hard to define anyway]. Open and closed source 
are important, but my primary concern is getting the best tool for the 
job. That just quite often happens to be the Open Source one.


Mike MacCana            Support Consultant  
          C Y B E R S O U R C E
   Level 9, 140 Queen St Melbourne 3000
Ph : +61 3 9642 5997 Fax: +61 3 9642 5998

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Scott Parks wrote:

> Thank you for your thoughts and thank you to everyone who has responded.  I 
> have to look at a couple of things.  First off, Debian seems to shy away from 
> any commercial products, I have been told that is why KDE is not included, 
> you can install it, but it is not part of it.  If I were to go with a 
> commercial db product like IBM's db2 I would be better on the RH/Mandrake 
> side than a Debian.  I also have to look at the time it takes me to set the 
> darn thing up.  Since I use Mandrake as my primary machine all the time I am 
> comfortable with it and can have a server install up with Apache/PHP/Postgres 
> in under 15 minutes.  I also know where to go when there is a problem.
> Running Mandrake as a stipped down (no X, etc) box I think might be the 
> ticket.  I was just reading on Mandrakes site that some pizza place is using 
> Mandrake as their Point Of Sale system, if a system can handle that it can 
> handle almost anything!
> Thanks again, I am always welcome to comments.
> -Scott
> > > Hmmn. Performance is likely to be pretty much the same for both
> > distributions. Open Source software installation is much easier on Debian
> > [packages are downloaded and pdependencies worked out automatically].
> > Closed source aps [which you might have a need of] are generally more
> > available for RPM based distributions.
> >
> > The TUX webserver, which recently thrashed Apache and IIS 5.0 at
> > Mirosofts own favourite benchmark [they've used for four years to tell
> > the world how good IIS is] was created by Red Hat, and will most likely
> > be ported to Mandrake before Debian, if you so choose to use it.
> >
> > Mandrake is a billion times easier to administer than Debian, with the
> > exception of package installation. For a webserver, you probab;ly won't
> > be adding and removing apps all the time.
> >
> > Security about the same. Mandrake now hire the bastille people as part of
> > their devel team, and have significantly imporved in recent times.
> > Thjings like ReiserFS are alsoquite impotant for web hosting companies.
> >
> > The overwhelming majority of commercial web serving occurs on Red Hat.
> > Red Hat and Mandrake aren't 100% compatible any more, but its still rare
> > you'd run into something hich doesn't work on both [provided its for Red
> > Hat 6, not 7]

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