b5dave wrote:

> Alex wrote
> > I have the following at the end of rc.local
> >
> ># hdparm stuff
> > echo -n "Harddrive optimizations"
> > /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hda
> > /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hdb
> > /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -k 1 /dev/hde
> and .....
> Bill wrote:
> >I've got mine as the last line of rc.sysinit. It works.
> Well if either one of you guys says that the install did indeed append
> that to either script, then that makes my initial question about a
> possible kernel parameter moot, and that's one more mystery solved. I'm
> perfectly happy with that.  :-)
> ps Bill. Is that x-vcard attachment a *nix thing? I think I may have got
> one recently from an associate and flamed them for sending me yet another
> proprietary M$ attachment. OOPS!
> ---------
> 21-Dec-2000
> 22:30:11
> ---------

It's from NS 4.76 (Linux). But no, the install did not append that to my
script. Did a bit of perusing the newsgroups and added that myself. I may
have missed a post if that was in the thread. Sorry to mislead ya. (It's
cold here & I may be slowing down as I ice over)
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Bill Piety

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