Mark Belanger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rational Software has recently released Clearcase 4.1 for Linux.
> The only "officially" supported distro is Redhat 6.2.
> (BTW: Clearcase is full-featured(and expensive) source code control software)
> ...
> The problem appears to be related to NFS patches in these kernels.
> Now the question .... has anyone succeeded in getting Clearcase
> w/MVFS to work on Mandrake 7.1 or 7.2?

Wow, WITH MVFS now?  At the beginning of the year you did not
have view servers for linux, so you had to run in snapshot mode,
which stunk (for extremely large values of 'stunk'! - plus their
solution was to run a view server on windows!  Give me a

Cool.  ClearCase is actually more than a source code control
system, its sort of a system which lets you revision control
ANYTHING in a filesystem (well, almost - they left out soft links,
kinda).  So, you can keep track of directories, source files,
executables, whatever lives in a filesystem.  If you want to
move a file from directory 'a' to directory 'b', as long as
its still in the same file system, then the history of that
file is maintained accuratly and completely.  Huh?  Ok, quick

All paths are relative to some 'vob root' (a fancy name for
the mount point of the ClearCase revision controlled filesystem).
(Think about those last 3 words, if you want to get a flavor
of what we're talking about here)

in directory 'project1' is file 'defs.h'.  It has undergone
3 revisions, as follows: v1 was at noon on 12/1/2000 v2 was
at noon on 12/2/2000, and v3 was at 2pm on 12/2/2000.

We decide that we should have put this file in 'headers'.
So, we check out the 'project1' and 'header' directories
and move the file (using clearcase move) over to 'header'.
Then, we check in 'project1' and 'header' (why did we have
to check them out?  because we were making changes to them!).

Now, I see 'defs.h' in 'header'.  But what if I need to
go back in time to what everything looked like at 3pm on
12/2/2000?  Simple, change your 'viewspec' (a thing that tells
clearcase what versions (of EVERYTHING) you want to see)
to specify (in effect) 'all files on or before 12/2/2000
at 3pm' and viola! you suddenly are back to the filesystem
layout on 12/2/2000 at 3pm!  The files move back to where
they used to be, and so on.

There's lots more, some are just side effects, but there's
all sorts of warnings about proprietary-ness of CC, and I'd
rather not make it impossible for someone in the open source
community to take the idea of a revision controlled filesystem
and run with it! (without great trouble from Rational).


Rusty Carruth          Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE
FAX:   (480) 345-8793             7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116
Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2     Tempe, AZ 85284-1825

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