On Friday 22 December 2000 18:18, you wrote:
> Hello:
> I am trying to figure out how to get the Postfix server setup to act as a
> secondary server for a domain and I really cant find any info on how to do
> this. I have also encountered a problem I figured well cant figure out the
> Postfix server then why not go with Sendmail. Well that brought out another
> problem you cant shut down Postfix for good it keeps coming back no matter
> how many times I stop it or tell it to go away. While that is great that
> means if you ever figured it out then you wouldn't have to worry about (
> "is the server up " ) I have found the Sympa list server installed as well
> is it any good? I cant find much on it so I thought I would ask. I also
> heard that Qmail was the god of all email servers but it would take a god
> to install it. Well you would seriously have to understand compiling code
> and stuff to do it. I also was curious about management of it as well since
> while it sounds great it also stated that it had multi config files and I
> for sure don't want to get into an administrators nightmare.
> Steve Hagerman
> http://www.advancedisp.com
Just open Konqueror or Netscape on your Mandrake System

Login as root
give the root password
click on the servers tab
click the postfix icon

set up the first three variables (click the links for possibilities)  The 
other 97 or so have very good defaults and you can play with them at your 


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