Try Galeon, 

Mike MacCana            Support Consultant  
          C Y B E R S O U R C E
   Level 9, 140 Queen St Melbourne 3000
Ph : +61 3 9642 5997 Fax: +61 3 9642 5998

On Sat, 23 Dec 2000, Scott Tyson wrote:

> If that is true why does Nutscape 6.0 load the Java VM (again this is on the win2k 
>version, my linux workstation is scrubbed so I cannot compare)?  It might not be the 
>renderer but some part of Nutscape is using the Java VM.

I have a Win2K machine myself. Sorry, not Java VM proces shows up.

> Also its renderer is not even in the same ball park as NS 4.75 let alone IE.  Its 
>slow crap.  

The UI is slow crap. The rendering engine is insanely fast, and Galeon, 
AOL for Linux, the upcoming NeoPlanet Gecko preview, and KMeleon [the 
windows equivalent Gaelon] prove this, as well as the mozilla kpart,
and a shitload of benchmarks.

> I'd much rather use Konquerer or IE or Opera or plane old 4.75.  

I would too. I'd also rather use Mozilla,, who seem to have a better 
reputation for quality than netscape.

It renders pages far better then standard NS though but its still very buggy and very 

Netscape 6 is buggy and slow. That's because Mozilla took the rather 
overambition step of trying to create a pixel for pixel perfect cross 
platform UI in XML, and because netscape 6 is a particularly slow version 
or this UI.

That doesn't mean the rendering engine is slow, or that Moz per se is. 

It sure as hell doesn't mean the UI is in java. and read 
about XUL. Im sorry, but you're wrong about the UI. It ain't java, read 
the source code.


> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 12/24/2000 at 11:57 AM Mike MacCana scribbled:
> >Netscape 6s rendering engine is NOT written in Java. This is complete bullshit. Its 
>written in XUL, a DTD for XML. Yes, Netscape 6s UI is slow [its rendering is faster 
>than IE], and requires RAM. Mozilla 0.6 seems *much* faster in the UI department. If
> >you want fast HTML rendering with full standards support, go for
> >Mozilla 0.6, Galeon, or the Mozill  KPart announced last week.
> >
> >Mike
> >
> >Scott Tyson wrote:
> >
> >> Netscape 6.0 rendering engine is written in Java.  When you load a Java based 
>program it must load the Java Virtual Machine which is not fast and eats about 25-32 
>megs of ram (at least on a win2k workstation it does).   If you don't have 128+ megs 
> >RAM Nutscrape 6.0 will be almost intolerable when it comes to speed.
> >>
> >> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> >>
> >> On 11/25/2000 at 10:32 PM Eduardo Mazoni Andrade Marcal Mendes scribbled:
> >>
> >> >Hello
> >> >   I have installed Netscape 6.0 only to be convinced that it is the
> >> >worse nightmare ever. I am running in P 1333 with 32 MB.  Old netscape
> >> >would run without a trouble but this new one it is so slow that I can go
> >> >for a drink before the whole thing is loaded.  What do netscape
> >> >developers have in mind when releasing such a piece of software?
> >> >Perhaps I am doing something so wrong and it is not netscape's fault.
> >> >Please help me out!
> >> >
> >> >Many thanks
> >> >
> >> >Eduardo
> >
> >--
> >------------------------------------------
> >Mike MacCana     Support Consultant
> >          C Y B E R S O U R C E
> >   Level 9, 140 Queen St Melbourne 3000
> >Ph : +61 3 9642 5997 Fax: +61 3 9642 5998

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