ok way over my head"""""lol john
--- mrweb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi List,
> And Merry Xmas to all!
> Thanks Mike, for the clarification on not having the
> ability to have more
> than one disk or partition mounted in the same
> place, this is exactly what 
> my hesitantcy has been in editing my fstab, and
> inadverdantly inserting my
> multiple "/mnt/" points into it.
> Although I am still rather new with Linux about 9
> months, I have been
> using Unix SUN Solaris fpr a;,pst 4 years, it still
> feels new to me 
> too. :) As you say "it seems a little odd that you
> need so many versions",
> but only I know what I `need', and to be a little
> `unconventional' suits
> me very WELL, one of my best facets/assets is my
> creative side.
> Also, "three Mamdrake versions is just a little
> unusual" and "it seems
> like you are doing this for fun, rather than any
> specific goal", tells me
> you are not an intuitive sort at all, now are you?
> As madonna might say,
> Can you FEEL, can you FEEL, can you FEEL? As far as
> "waiting until I know
> more about Linux first", there is not a chance of
> that! I can FEEL how you
> LEARN, and you could see how I learn, if you were
> OPEN minded to it. 
> I didn't ask to be criticized, I asked for
> knowledge, but you are
> certainly welcome to do so at any time, by all
> means. I used to do that
> too whenever I felt inferior.
> Examples, i.e., I used to `hate' Bill Gates, and
> criticize him ruthlessly,
> but I have grown to `love' him as well, perhaps
> someday you will `feel' 
> the same towards me. <-----although this is NOT a
> GOAL of mine
> Thanks again though!
> Wade
> but you can call me,
> Mr.W.E.B.
> PS- I have successfully built 9 Linux Operating
> Systems each of them a 
> Custom Server Installation, without any hitches
> whatsoever, and yes that
> includes Debian(which is every bit as easy as
> Mandrake, only different)
> Incase you are not up on your Numerology, 9 is a
> Master Number!
> ;)  
> PSS - JOY to the WORLD! and BLISS to ALL!
> .
> SS - JOY to the WORLD! and BLISS to ALL!
> .

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