"J . A . Magallon" wrote:

> See what /usr/sbin/chksession -l says. If it does not have Gnome, some
> thing is broken in your install.

Yes, I think we can agree on that <GRIN>. 

> mdk rebuilds gui available envs each time it boots. Look at
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime
> It calls /usr/sbin/fndSession, which in turn calls /usr/sbin/chksession.
> All of them work based on some mdk specific files (eg, list of wm
> installed), that must be updated each time you insall a wm. So if
> you install an rpm from rhat or helix, perhaps it does not all the
> things needed to let the system knoe theres a new wm.

Do you know the name and location of the file which contains the list
of installed wm? As a quick and dirty fix I could manually update
this file to get gnome and sawfish back since they are both present
and operational on my system.

It may be the Helix install which isn't updating this file. They
don't officially support 7.2 yet and if the file has changed since
7.1 their automagical program may have simply goofed. There are
several 7.2 users who are also Helix users so I am surprized not to
have heard about this 'feature' of the combination. I guess I must
just whine faster <SMILE>. 

In any event, thanks for an education on how the process works.


Traci Collins, MA, CCAI, CCNA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

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