Sadin Nurkic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> ...
> kernel that comes with 7.2 (mdk-secure) and the system
> under X was unbelievably slow. (not so much slow as delayed...
> it took something like 30-40 seconds for any sort of action to start,
> like starting an xterm or something). After getting the newest
> stable kernel and recompiling everything seems normal like
> before on 7.1...
> I was just wondering if anyone is able to point me to the
> source of this bottleneck.

I'd guess it has to do with authentication somewhere.
i.e. some process somewhere is either asking some (probably
non-existent or at least non-responsive to that request) 
remote machine for some kind of information.  Like an NFS
mount (or samba, or ...), or an AUTH request, or the like.
(One of my machines at home takes up to a minute or more
for the first incoming FTP connection to get to the
username prompe!  After making it there once, new incoming
FTP connections (from the same remote machine) start up 
just fine.  Never have bothered finding who/what/where,
maybe I should just for the education ;-).

There also may be something in your .login or .cshrc/.bashr/.whateverrc
that is triggering some kind of authentication/connection with
some service that does the above...

Or maybe its something else entirely ;-) / 2


Rusty Carruth          Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE
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