On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 12:33:21AM -0800, Tom Berkley wrote:
> win98se or win2k using the ati drivers.
> tom berkley
> ps
> sorry, just couldn't resist. I use an ati pci tv card in my win2k box
> primarily because linux does not have any support for that card yet.
> Steve Young wrote:
> > i have an all in wonder 128 pro and i was wondering if anyone knew of
> > software that would make the tv inputs and output work

gatos is installed on LM 7.2
my version is

With the proper connections pluged  in
user#  gatos

see if anything happens

Go to http://www.freshmeat.net
search for gatos

You nay-sayers may be surprised

My All-in-Wonder PCI works
I know of others working fine as well!

Being in the nature of things, sometimes its
"plug it in and fire it up"
other times you pound your fist on the keyboard 
and sell out to the "Dark Side" :)

William Bouterse

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