"Mark Hillary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have that file to, it was there before I complied anything.Plus the file
> doesn't really take up any space as the proc file system is a kernel file
> system as in none of the files are there when you ask the kernel to look at
> one it creates it then and destroys it when you are finished. Also it think
> the file is a representation of you system memory. Do you have 320Mb by
> chance.
> So all in all don't worry about this file as it is not really there.
> Mark Hillary
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kelley Terry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > while compiling a kde application the compiler created a 320 MByte
> > /proc/kcore file.  It filled up my hard drive and then crashed.  How can I
> > reset this file to a small size or remove it?

As Mark said - /proc/kcore is an 'imaginary file'.


Everything in /proc is supplied from the system, and is not actually
resident on the disk.  (to verify this, do 'du -sk /proc' ;-)
And /proc/kcore is 'kernel core' ('core' is sort of an alias for 'memory',
sorta.  Us old-timers remember what core REALLY is/was ;-) - or, put
yet another way - /proc/kcore is a snapshot of your RAM.  (I say 'snapshot'
rather than 'view into' because updates to /proc/kcore may happen some
time AFTER the memory actually changes).  Writing to it is a really
bad idea, by the way.  And, as Mark says, /proc/kcore should be exactly
the same size as your RAM.

There are lots of other useful files in /proc also, like /proc/interrupts
which tells you which interrupts are set up, and /proc/net/netstat.  

'man proc' will do an even better job of describing what's there!


Rusty Carruth          Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE
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