On Tuesday 02 January 2001 15:53, you wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Originally sent 12/30/00, but I don't think I was properly subscribed
> to the list before... my apologies if this gets posted twice.
> Anyway, I am seriously confused about processor-specific versions.
> I have Mandrake 7.0-2 (Air) running on an Intel 486 chipset, and it
> works really great (it's a firewall box, so I don't use X Windows).
> BUT, when I viewed the mdk webpage showing security updates, most if
> not all are "*mdk.i586.rpm", which implies that they are compiled for
> Pentium-class CPUs.
> So I went to the trouble of getting all the *mdk.src.rpm files, and
> tried "rpm --rebuild" to create i486 RPMs.  I got a gcc error, since
> I had forgotten to include a development package or two when I first
> installed Mandrake.
> So I looked for it on the CD-ROM.  Then I discover that the RPMs on
> this Mandrake 7.0 "486-compatible" ISO are all i586 versions!
> My question is this:  For a 486 66MHz, can I use any *mdk.i586.rpm?
> If not (meaning I have to use *mdk.src.rpm or find *mdk.i386.rpm's),
> then how did Mandrake even install in the first place, if all these
> RPMs on the CD are i586?  Can I expect problems later?  ;)
> Thanks in advance.
> +------------------+---------------------------------------------+
> | Jeff Bonner      |  "I tried to have cybersex once, but I got  |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   a busy signal."                           |
The kernel is stock and will run on low-level processors, even 386.

The 486 version iso was optimised for 586 but not exclusively so as the main 
distro is.

And if you try to rpm -ivh foo-2.3.96-27mdk.i586.rpm on your 486 you will get 
a message saying package is for a different architecture.  rpm --noarch will 
defeat this and allow the install, but if the run time package makes your 
computer melt into a puddle... You were warned.


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