
Did as you suggested. 

# ps -aux |grep lpd

root       255  0.0  0.5  1144  536 ?        S    12:20   0:00 lpd

root       550  0.0  0.5  1308  500 pts/0    S    12:23   0:00 grep lpd

Ran DrakConf. The lpd button was already clicked on.

I noticed that in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory there is a lock file. Is that in your 
directory too?
>From reading the /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd text file, I conclude that a lock file is put 
>in once printing begins, but is removed when the process ends. Is that your 

Michael Coady 

>       You aren't running the line printer daemon, lpd, which handles the print 
> jobs. In my current configuration with just the parallel printer I mentioned 
> earlier I run both the cupsd and the lpd daemons.
>       Do a 'ps -aux | grep lpd' and 'ps -aux | grep cupsd' to see if they are 
> running as processes on your machine.  
> [root@mypc tko]# ps -aux |grep lpd
> root       663  0.0  0.2  1440  608 ?        S    18:14   0:00 lpd
> root      1403  0.0  0.2  1456  540 ttyp5    S    20:41   0:00 grep lpd
> [root@mypc tko]# ps -aux |grep cupsd
> root       650  0.0  0.9  4748 2472 ?        S    18:14   0:04 cupsd
> root      1405  0.0  0.2  1456  540 ttyp5    S    20:41   0:00 grep cupsd
> If not then you can start them manually but normally they are started from 
> the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory which is setup by the DrakConf. 
>       Run DrakConf and choose Startup Services from the menu and then select them 
> (cups, lpd) from the window and choose OK.  This will start them 
> automatically on the next reboot.

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