
Sa> it's interesting that folks are claiming that 7.1 worked better than 7.2.
Sa> granted bugs are found...but shouldn't a later release be MORE stable, not
Sa> LESS?  good point about some folks just have to get work DONE.  :P

Yes, especially about the kernel stuff and rpm thingies... And some
few lockups during installation, still there are many bugs...It is
great, yes, but why this many bugs ? Mandrake 6.1 , still seems to me
so good to be true....

(am not saying to much buggy, I tried redhat 7 too, and as for the
newest distros, I kiss my mandrake cds :P But still, after I put the
cd in my cdrom, I want my linux install, setup, as fluently and strong
as possible... Thats the way I show off with my linux box ! :)

Sa> i thought that stable versions are even numbered after the decimal, and
Sa> production was odd numbered after the decimal.  i just thought i read that
Sa> somewhere.

 I guess it is only for the kernel, but, yes, why not use this
 method for distros too ? :)

Sa> matthew


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