I always use

smbmount //winmachine//share /mountpoint -o 


On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Andrew Judge wrote:

> Is there another way to connect to a win98 share w/ 7.2?  I was running a
> script to backup the smbfs and it was working fine until I installed Arkeia.
> I did it by:
> mount -t smbfs -o username=notneeded,password=pwd //winmachine/share
> /local/dir
> After Arkeia I noticed the server can not browse the win client, but the
> client logs onto the server no problem and runs scripts, etc.
> The exact error I get is:
> session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRpwd (Bad password /name/password pair in a
> Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)
> Even if I lose the password, I still can't connect.
> Andy

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