On Sat Jan 06, 2001 at 01:51:05AM -0000, Todd Marshall wrote:

> In response to previous posts, you can use the -J option to preserve long 
> filenames using the joillete CD Directory...
> However, I had a question how one would NAME a CD...
> I made a backup of Red Alert mkisofs -J /mnt/cdrom  -o Cd2.iso
> And when I ran it, it crashed because windows requires the CD to be named 
> Cd2.... does ANYONE have an idea how one can change the name of the CDrom so 
> it appears one way in windows...because now I need to boot to windows for 
> the CD name to be preserved under burning (for data CD's, not for music CD's 
> using cdrdao)
> Thanks!!

man mkisofs

That would be a start.  But you want is to use -V.  manpage shows:

-V volid
   Specifies the volume ID (volume name or label) ...

There you go.  You'll need to find out what the volume label is via
Windows before you stick it in your Linux box.  There probably is a
way of obtaining that info from within Linux but I don't know it.

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