On Saturday 16 December 2000 21:49, you wrote:
> Hi All,
> I decided to reinstall our P75 redhat 6.2
> printserver/intranetserver/cd-writing server to Mandrake 7.2 today (if
> you want to know why I would break something that's working, it is that
> our other 2 servers run Mandrake, I have a new admin to train up - best
> not to confuse him with different distros yet -  plus we have a local
> Mandrake updates mirror - which makes it a lot less effort to keep up
> with updates).
> Anyway, after about 3 hours of work I had the machine back up and
> running with everything working, but now all partitions except boot as
> ReiserFS.
> Well, testing webCDwriter
> (http://www.uni-bielefeld.de/~jhaeger/webCDwriter/) proved that not all
> is well. I get errors saying "loss of streaming" from cdrecord. Note
> that I have never had this sort of error on this machine, even when
> people are printing on both printers and browsing the intranet page at
> the same time.
> First I suspected the CD, due to the "Medium error", so tried with a new
> rewriteable, and then with "simulate" which passes -dummy to cdrecord.
> Then I suspected ReiserFS, so reformatted the spool directory
> webCDwriter uses to ext2. Same error.
> Then I suspected the version of webCDwriter I was using (note there are
> now RPMS for 7.2 on the RPMS page for webCDwriter), so downgraded to the
> previous version I had compiled for the box when it was Redhat 6.2
> I think I actually used the mdk 7.2 rpms for cdrecord and mkisfs on the
> bosx when it was Redhat, since I had problems finding RPMs of the
> specific versions for Redhat 6.2. So I am not sure if I should try
> different versions.
> Well, I guess that only leaves the kernel that would have change (well,
> the only thing in the equation).
> The spool drive is on the same IDE channel as the CD-RW drive (but it
> was before), and I am not using udma.
> Has anybody had similar problems on 7.2?
> The only hardware change I made was upgrading the network card to
> 100Mbps (no, this can't be it, webCDwriter makes an iso image first
> using mkisofs, and then just writes the iso to CD).
> I will attach the error messages.
> I will go home and do some testing there ...
> Regards,
> Buchan

DL the kernel rpm there and test it for streaming please.


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