civileme wrote:

> Oh My.... It happened right here in the main office.
> I have been printing copies of responses to my recruitmet notices using KMail 
> and CUPS
> First of all, KMail starts off with a bad attitude.  It comes up pointing at 
> a printer from a list of available printers and the 'OK' button is grayed out.
> To solve this, simply flip it to file printing then back to printer 
> printing...  The OK becomes active.  You have to do this EVERY session.
> Next, my emails were beheaded--the very upper portion was chopped off.
> This was due to a mental lapse--mine.  The printer is set for A4 and is 
> loaded with A4 paper and KMail is expecting A4 but the intervening cups 
> server it was pointing to by default had the information that it was a 
> 'Letter Size'  I pointed to the right server which knew the printer was A4 
> and the print cleaned up right away.
> Does any of this seem familiar?  I believe I have seen posts about it.
> I still find that more than 90% of the bugs I think I find have their tiny 
> little fingertips on the sensitive keys of my very own keyboard.....

Hey don't beat yourself up so much!  ;)  There are many levels of bugs,
maybe 90% of the ones you find are not considered problems by the most
elite but lets go back to the whole reason computers exist *at all*:

      They (are supposed to) make our lives easier.

Which means having to flip some mode to activate the printer option
EVERY time you use a program, and having to remember that the last mode
you left the printer in will chop off 2/3s of your current output,
runs counter to The Goal.

btw, the degree to which a vendor can handle the small stuff these
days is what can set them apart from the hordes.  So far Mandrake
seems to be doing a relatively smashup job.


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