Hi all, I've just downloaded and installed Helix Gnome on my MDK 7.2
system. After the install 'kdm' stopped allowing me to access Gnome at
all. (It doesn't show up in the window managers list at all.) How do I
go about getting it back on the list so that I can use Gnome instead of

I've seen elsewhere, where someone suggested that you create a file in
/etc/X11/wmsession.d/ called '02gnome' which had the contents:

DESC=Gnome Desktop Environment 
SCRIPT: exec /usr/bin/gnome-session

I tried that and when that didn't work, I manually edited
usr/share/config/kdmrc and added Gnome to the list. Of course that
added Gnome to the list, but caused 'kdm' to load up IceWM, instead of

I then used the 'Login Manager' application that came with KDE to edit
the list, and put Gnome back in the list, but it only got the same
results as putting it in manually.

That's the extent of my travels so far. Any help would be appreciated. I
guess the full extent of my question would be how to get Gnome to
start up, and how to get Mandrake's menus to 'see' my Gnome software

Thanks for your help.

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