I have had no luck restoring my secure web-server.
If I have to reinstall I will.
However since first rpm -Uvh the  openssl-0.9.6-4mdk
I have had problems. I removed that one and reinstalled the
Still no luck and now on reboot I am getting multiple httpd starts 
/var/log/messages shows httpd: [Wed Jan 10 11:56:55 2001] [warn] _default_
VirtualHost overlap on port 443, the first has precedence.

I dont see anything unusual in  /etc/httpd/conf/ssl/mod_ssl.conf

https://localhost gives network error broken-pipe

apache rpms from the LM72 upgrade i.e.
apache-1.3.14-2mdk etc.
This was all working nicely with certificate, autentication etc.

See previous posts re: openssl-0.9.6-4md

Any thoughts?

William Bouterse
Talkeetna, Alaska

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