Hate to be a party pooper here, but adding fonts to LM 7.2 and adding
fonts to Wordperfect (7-8) for Linux are two entirely different things. In
Wordperfect, font rasterization (both display and printing) is handled by
Wordperfect exclusively, and it does not support True Type. But you can
find Type 1 fonts with better 'hinting' than those supplied on the
Wordperfect for Linux CD; indeed the Type 1 fonts supplied with
Wordperfect for Windows, with OS/2, and with Applix are generally
superior. There is, however, at least one utility to convert tt fonts to
type 1 if you're feeling adventurous.

The best documentation I've found on the subject is here:

For other WP for Linux docs, see:


On 10-Jan-2001 Marsden MacRae wrote:
> "D. Stark - eSN" wrote:
>> http://linux.com/tuneup/database.phtml/X11/002036.html
>> Derek Stark
>> IT / Linux Admin
>> eSupportNow
>> xt 8952
> Thanks! that was very helpful. We use Linux WordPerfect here, and the
> lawyers want to add fonts.
> Marsden

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