Of course your device names might change, since the onboard dma channel
is usually ide0 ..., thus you will need to modify
(/etc/lilo.conf|/boot/grub/menu.lst) and rerun lilo (if you use lilo)
and edit /etc/fstab


"D. Stark - eSN" wrote:
> Swap away, if you're not using the UDMA channels. The only other thing which
> might not work is the USB, but I say *might* because I've never tried using
> my USB in Linux (no devices of import.  : )
> Derek Stark
> IT / Linux Admin
> eSupportNow
> xt 8952
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joseph Red
> Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 11:11 PM
> Subject: [expert] New Motherboard
> I'm getting a new motherboard, and I'm planning to possibly put it in my
> Linux box tonight.  It's an Abit BE-6 2, with onboard udma66.  I'm not
> going to be using those at first, I'm just going to stick w/ standard
> IDE until I get new drives.  A bunch of background for a simple
> question.  Can I swap this MB with my old one (Asus p2b), or is there
> something in Linux I need to do in preparation?  Thanks.
> --
> Joseph Red
> www.cautioninc.com

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Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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