On Monday 15 January 2001 13:18, you wrote:
> My personal opinion was that it was....incredibly dissappointing. it also
> doesn't work with latest version of bonobo [stupid hard coded
> dependency]. Eazel also have a really bad attitude on eazel services -
> they review and let you downl;oad all sorts of apps, just as long as
> they're nothing to do with QT/KDE. I think that's childish. GNOME people
> use KDE apps. KDE people use GNOME apps.

I'd been using GNOME for about eighteen months before switching to KDE a 
month or so ago. There are still a lot of things I like about GNOME but KDE 
strikes me as being much better orchestrated: things work seamlessly and very 

Konqueror is an absolute gem! It's the first application I've seen that 
really breaks down the barriers between the desktop and the net by 
transparent and intuitive.

I wish Eazel well but Konqueror rules on my desktop.


Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

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