Ok, so here's what I did (well, it's still running). I ran the following
command, hope I was sane with this and not prone to screw up my system:

rpm -Fvh
ftp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mirrors/mandrake/7.2/i586/Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm

This should (if I understand it right) update all pakages that I have installed
that are at that path, yes? 


On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Anthony Russello wrote:

> On Mandrake's website, for each rpm update, it states to use rpm -Fvh
> *.rpm
> If you use that for a large quantity of rpm files, as I just tested, it
> works just fine.
> rpm -Fvh *.rpm
> Thanks
> > On Wednesday 17 January 2001 08:01 pm, you wrote:
> > > Is there a way to do a mass update of my RPMs? ie download them all and
> > > just do rpm -Uvh * -nodep ? (or whatever that command would end up being)
> > >
> > > <EOL>
> > > Tib
> >
> > sounds like you've got the general idea, although I don't think I'd do the
> > --nodeps thing unless you're reasonably sure that nothing of any consequence
> > is going to suffer from it. I've attempted to the upgrade twice that way and
> > ended up torching the partition tables both times I did it.
> >
> > If you can get by with doing the --test without any troubles then the install
> > will go off without a hitch.
> >
> >     rpm -Uvh --test *.rpm
> >
> > that will run thru a test install of the packages as though a real install
> > was happening. Only thing different is that it's not actually going to
> > install anything. What it will do is test the dependencies to see if there
> > are any problems and if there are it will report them. That way you can fix
> > any dependency problems and not risk breaking your machine being in a hurry
> > to fource an upgrade.
> > --
> > Mark
> >
> > "If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
> > "Sharing is what makes them powerful."
> >
> >                             Linus Torvalds
> >
> I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
>       - Douglas Adams

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