On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 22:23:54 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

>This is too weird. My posts work, but who the hell is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>and why are my posts being bounced to that address? This only happens on
>this list; all other e-mails or other lists work fine. Anyone else
>getting this?
Wed, 17 Jan 2001  22:16:34

It happens because...the guy in singapore was subscribed to this list
and gets a copy of every message as we all do...only his addr is
defunct so it bounces,,

        as the originator of the message you get a copy of the
bounce.....eveyone who posts does for their message.

        The only way to stop it is for him to reactivate his addr or
for Denis to throw him off the list...and Denis is off somewhere
having a vacation.........

home alone
Olly P

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