On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 20:19:17 -0800, Cecil Watson said:

>   I'm trying to help a friend with a problem.  He has some scripts on a
>    webserver, the problem is when ever the script runs and it needs to
>    write to a file, it deletes the content of the file(s).  Anyone got any
>    ideas?!  Thanks in advance,

 As a real newbie to linux and with next to nil scripting experience

 And without seeing the script in question (You didn't post it for
 the EXPERT gurus on this list to parse)

 May I suggest that he is missing a redirection eg using a single >
 instead of a >> to add to his file.

 Worked(s) in MSdos -  bet it works here too. Substitue copy for cat

 cat text > text1     Just copys it to a file called text1 If the file
                           not exist it is created else it is replaced
 cat text >> text1    adds to the already exiting file called Text1


 John (newbie too)

                         Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
       (The UNIX Programmers' Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972)

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