On Thu Jan 18, 2001 at 05:35:50PM -0500, b5dave wrote:

> Okay, well the Security Announce is working for me gain; just got the
> glibc advisory. Thanks for the work Vincent, and sorry if I was overly
> critical.

I understand the concern, Dave, believe me!  Especially in light of
this worm (talk about timing, eh?).  No worries, and I'm just happy
the list is back in working order.

For those who are concerned about any missed advisories, please visit
www.linux-mandrake.com/en/security and select the distribution you are
using.  Or you can view the mdk-security archive at
www.freezer-burn.org/lists/mdk-security/ which also contains the
missed advisories.  Or you can fire up MandrakeUpdate and update
everything that needs to be updated.

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