For what it's worth,  ReiserFS was only merged into the 2.4.1-pre8
kernel yesterday. (see:
It never was in the 2.4.0 source. This may not help your supermount
patching though. Just passing on some info; my kernel patching experience
is limited to smooth sailing ... no troubleshooting.


>Even though the install let me install the os on my reiserfs partitions,
>the kernel that were booted from (2.4.0) didn't seem to have reiserfs in
>it, since it errored on mounting my root disk (seems it tried to mount
>it as ext2, even if I haven't had ext2 on this machine at all, in fact,
>the only fs that has ever been on any of my new disks is reiserfs)
>The reiserfs patch and the supermount patch can't be applied to the same 
>kernel, I can only use one of them, because when trying to add the second
>I get errors (this I can understand, files are being changed by one of 
>the patched and the other one doesn't recognize the files).

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