Greetings again,

Thanks for all the replies re: How to move /usr to another partition? It's nice to 
know that what
i was working with SHOULD have worked, on principle. Here is a brief summary of the 
"How to move
/usr to another partition?" thread.

1. Resize partition, using Partition Magic or some such thing. [this will only work if 
actually have the appropriate space on the drive, of course]

All of the following assume that /usr will be duplicated somehow onto /mnt/usr 
temporarily, then
/etc/fstab will be updated to reflect the new location, reboot and presto, you are 
mounting the
new /usr.

2. copy:
# cp -a /usr /mnt

3. tarball:
# tar cvf /mnt/usr.tar /usr
# cd /mnt
# tar xvfp usr.tar
(Note that this method requires enough free space to hold not just mnt/usr but also 

# tar cf - /usr | ( cd /mnt ; tar xvfp - )
# cd /mnt
# tar cf - -C /usr | tar xvpf
(Note that these last two methods of tarballing only require enough free space to hold 

Care must be taken to preserve relative links and file permissions if either 2 or 3 is 
to work.
Soft links do not support spanning partitions or devices and will cause failures if 
this occurs.

An aside: at the time that i was attempting this i was installing and re-installing on 
drives on the same system. It MAY have been the case that i had a swap partition on 
the device
that contained /usr and the device that contained the new /mnt/usr. If this were true, 
it could
have caused some problems, i don't know.

Thanks again,

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