You can share your swap partitions...with out any problems.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Wolford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 2:19 PM
Subject: [expert] A Proactive Solution

> Hello all,
> Here's an experience i had recently. It may help some of you avoid a
similar battle as i had to
> fight.
> I was attempting an installation 7.1 or 7.2 (whichever i could get to work
first) on a system with
> 3 drives. There was already a stable install of 7.1 on the system (on
hdc), and all i wanted to do
> was install again on hdb. I went though the graphical install and when it
came time to choose my
> partitions, i would ignore all of the partitions on hdc, and create new
ones on hdb. When it came
> time to format the new partitions it would invariably want to format the
old swap partition on
> hdc. I always said no. If (IF) the install went through, then booting
would usually result in a
> panic attack and fatal crash. If i somehow managed to get past that (with
failsafe etc) then it
> would core dump when i tried to run almost any program.
> I was baffled. Then one day, while doing something decidedly not
computer-related, i had a flash
> of inspiration. Maybe i should disconnect hdc for the install and then try
it. All of a sudden the
> install went flawlessly (with 7.1 - to this date i have been unsuccessful
installing 7.2 on any
> system).
> The moral of the story: When installing Mandrake, make sure that it can't
see any other swap
> partitions during the install. (Could it use the old swap, if it wanted
to? Could they share it? I
> don't know.)
> Cheers,
> John
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