Make sure you've got the pilot-link package installed :)

On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 06:56, you wrote:
> Yes, I have no problem syncing my IIIc at 115,200 bps in Linux Mandrake 7.2
> -- provided I use the pilot-xfer program at the command line. I've had no
> luck with either jpilot or kpilot, and I haven't bothered trying
> Gnome-Pilot. Pilot-xfer does everything I need so I haven't pursued the
> problems with other apps.
> First, I'd suggest determining whether you really do have a flaky serial
> port.
> Then read the INSTALL doc in /usr/share/doc/jpilot-0.98.1 which tells you
> how to set up the serial port and permissions (although it sounds like
> you're on the right track there).
> Then print out the man page for pilot-xfer. Everything you need to know is
> right there. Once you're able to sync with pilot-xfer, you'll know that any
> further problems you have using jpilot or Gnome-Pilot are with those apps
> and not with your basic configuration. It's hard to troubleshoot when there
> so many variables.
> M.
> On Saturday 27 January 2001 11:20, you wrote:
> > I have been trying for nearly a month now to get my Palm Pilot to sync
> > with Linux.  I have had absolutely no luck at all.  I can get it to sync
> > with a Windows system but that isn't the point.  I use Linux for 99% of
> > my work and I need to sync with my linux applications.  I believe I may
> > have one bad serial port on my computer.  I have tried using both of
> > them, adjusting BIOS settings as well as file permissions on /dev/ttyS0
> > and /dev/ttyS1.  I have also run the setserial program in hopes of making
> > things work but with no luck.  Has anyone successfully synced their Palm
> > using the cradle with Linux Mandrake 7.2?  I would appreciate any help. 
> > I have all of the latest updates and I'm attempting to use both jpilot
> > and the Gnome Palm utilities. Thanks in advance.

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