Solving my own problem.

I had to explicitly define the print command and printer queue in the
smb.conf file:

        path = /var/spool/samba
        browseable = yes
        guest ok = yes
        writable = no
        printable = yes
        create mode = 0700
        print command = lpr-cups -P lp -o raw %s
        lprm command = cancel %p-%j

It works now...

On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Stephen Carville wrote:

- I just installed a Brother HL-1240 (very nice printer BTW) on my Linux box
- and I want it to be sharable with my wife's NT computer.  IN the 'old'
- days of lpd I just defined a [printer] section in smb.conf and -- viola!
- -- my printers were available to NT.  With CUPS that does not seem to
- work.  I tried defining it thru SWAT but that does not work.
- I am sure this is simple procedure but the details have, so far, escaped
- me.  I used the "printing=cups" option suggested by the CUPS faq but I
- still cannot see the printer as a printer from the NT box.  Suggestions?

--Stephen Carville
All religions are equally vile. What the Aztecs did with people's 
hearts, Judaeo-Christianity does with their minds. 
                L. Neil Smith

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