On Saturday 27 January 2001 23:25, Andrew George wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 03:35, you wrote:
> > On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno] wrote:
> >
> > - I've setup postfix on a mdk 7.2 server but I'm having problems
> > downloading - mails from it, when I try to download via fetchmail I get:
> > - <snap>
> > - [number1@liquid number1]$ fetchmail -p POP3 -u number1
> > borg.deltacomputers.no - Enter password for
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]: - 1 message for number1 at
> > borg.deltacomputers.no (768 octets).
> > - reading message 1 of 1 (768 octets) fetchmail: SMTP connect to
> > localhost - failed
> > - fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
> > borg.deltacomputers.no - fetchmail: Query status=10 (SMTP)
> > - </snap>
> > -
> > - Anybody got a clue what might be wrong or what logs I should look at to
> > find - it out ?
> > -
> > - Do I have to setup something in the postfix configs to allow
> > downloading of - mail?
> >
> > Your config as installed should be able to handle sending mail and local
> > delivery.  I postfix running?  Like sendmail it can send mail from a
> > command line but has to be listening on port 25 to handle local delivery.
> > Since you are getting a connection failure, that is my best first guess.
> >
> > Use "ps ax | grep postfix" to see if it is running. If not, as root do
> > "/etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix start"
> Umm...whats fetchmail fetching the mail to?
> That looks more like an error you get when fetchmail can't find a local
> mailsystem to hand what it's getting to.

Tried with fetchmail, kmail and outlook... kmail and outlook also reads the 
number of mails but just stops (for a while) when trying to download it, so I 
figured the fetchmail error was more descriptive.

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
     not by the limits of reality...

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