Mr. Weaver,
I am having a problem updating menus.  It freezes after the running menu 
methods for each of the graphical desktops.  what is it looking for that it 
can't find?  (ie, what is supposed to be next).  Any suggestions how to 
complete this upgrade from this point?  
Running kernel 2.4.0 xfree4.01, nvidia drivers, and ... I can't think of what 
else you may need to know.

On Sunday 28 January 2001 02:36 pm, you wrote:
> Faisal,
> The others have given good suggestions but there is another way to do it
> if you're wanting to use theme manager as you may have used in KDE 1.1.x
> in previous versions of Mandrake. To do this you will have to upgrade your
> version of KDE to 2.1 which has the Theme Manager in it.
> this URL has all the packages you will need to upgrade to KDE2.1beta2.
> I've been running this version on both my home machine and my workstation
> at work and it's very stable.
> There are a few packages that you very well may need along with the other
> KDE packages and they are egcs-1.1.2-40mdk and egcs-libstdc++-1.1.2-40mdk.
> you can get these two packages from the second address.
> to do the upgrade simply place all the packages downloaded into one
> directory by themselves. Run the install test first to make sure all
> dependencies are satisfied. Do NOT attempt to force the isntallation. You
> will only end up breaking your system. To run the install test use this
> command:
>       rpm -Uvh --test *.rpm
> The machine should take off and begin chugging through the packages. If
> there is a dependency problem it will return a message to the terminal and
> tell you what it is. If there are no problems then it will return to the
> command prompt. At this point you should drop out to a console issue the
> install command. You REALLY don't want to be running X when you do the
> install. Log out of your X-windows session and restart to a console. If
> you don't have that option then reboot your machine and at the LILO prompt
> type linux 3 which will boot the machine to a console login. At this point
> issue the command to install the packages:
>       rpm -Uvh *.rpm
> When it is finished it will come back to a command prompt. There are two
> more things left to do before you restart your machine.
>       rpm --rebuilddb
> and
>       update-menus
> That's all there is to it. Now just restart your machine and enjoy
> KDE2.1beta2. O and theme manager too. You will find it under "Look N Feel"
> in Control Center.

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