On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 14:58 +0100, Milnes Terry SSgt 52LSS/LGLOE wrote:
> It starts the initial loading of the kernel checks the ide channels and gets
> to hdd = LG CD-ROM CRD8232B or something to that effect and hangs right
> there. I have tried the ide0=noautotune ide1=noautotune the ide=33 fixes to
> no avail. I have tried a Mandrake 7.1 boot disk to no avail. I have also
> tried installing Mandrake 7.1 and running live_update on the cd while in KDE
> in Mandrake 7.1 this gets me up to installing the packages but just spins
> the hard drives for roughly 20 hours straight. I really would like to get
> this working so that I can go onto setting the PC up as my Domain Controller
> and Proxy Server. I have read in the alt.os.linux.mandrake USENET newsgroup
> that it more than likely is my MVP3 chipset. Is Mandrakesoft possibly
> thinking about maybe issuing a different cdrom.img file that takes care of
> this problem?

I doubt that it is a prob of the MVP3 chipset. I have this
chipset and 7.2 is the *first* release of Linux-Mandrake which
installed without any error since release 6.0!

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