Dear Kelly and friends:

You are right. I finally got subscribed by typing: "subscribe newbie"
(etc.). But you must admit that the instructions on Mandrake's mailing
subscription list are VERY confusing. They should make this absolutely
clear. Instead, they quite explicitly ask you to subscribe to

Users, new and older ones, do not need this completely avoidable HURDLE.
This is their main source for support, and Mandrake should be extra
careful to make this subscription experience as painless, as precise and
prompt and pleasant as possible.

I remember when I signed for my very first mailing list (which will
probably be the case for every Linux newbie), and I was VERY nervous.
Why not help the newbies instead of placing this insurmountable obstacle
course before them.

May I add that this stupid subscription problem has been around for
MONTHS. I know because it happened to me some months ago when I stopped
receiving messages due to a technical foul-up. The same damn problem.


ARE YOU LISTENING, MANDRAKE?????????????????????

Registered user
Official Mandrake 6.0, 6.1 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2!
Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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