
This might be stating the obvious, but I don't think the install of this
program went the way the programmers intended. uninstall it and see if
your system returns to normal and then resinstall the program by
doing so on the command line so that you can see whats going on during the
install. Put the package in a directory all by itself and then "cd" to
that dir in a terminal window. Issue this command to install the package.

        rpm -ivh guarddog*.rpm

That will at least give you some output as to what's going on as the
package is being installed. You may also want to save yourself some
headaches and just configure Portsentry that is already installed on your
system and waiting for you to tell it what to do with it. It's very easy
to configure and very effective. I use it myself along with IPchains and
the two together afford me a wonderful and configurable layered security
system for my PC.

Feel free to email me privately if you're curious about my setup and I'd
be more then happy to help you get setup.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
        "Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Joseph Markham wrote:

> Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 09:45:31 +0100
> From: Joseph Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [expert] Guarddog RPM problems
> After installing the Guarddog RPM using the KDE RPM Manager on my LM7.2, my HDD went 
>into a frenzy virtually locking up my PC. I waited for 15 minutes then did a reset as 
>I could not get out of the process.
> Anybody has any ideas?
> Joseph Markham
> Tel/Fax +356 - 451979
> Mobile +356 - 79 - 451979

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