Cool Man!

RLU# 186063

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Simon Cousins
> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 12:42 PM
> To: expert linux
> Subject: [expert] An observation on this Mandrake list
> Dear fellow listers,
> There was a time when Linux lists were all about collaboration.  Sysadmins
> would collaborate with other sysadmins, hobbyists would collaborate with
> other hobbyists, developers would collaborate with other developers.
> It was widely understood that without the developers, this
> glorious project
> and movement didn't exist.  Blessed were the coders.
> Look at Linux today.  Look at Mandrake in particular.  Who would have been
> game enough to stand up and predict what a distro was capable of, just two
> short years ago.
> These days, there are more developers than ever, of course, and vastly
> greater numbers of users.  Once, the only users were by definition
> developers..
> I read this list daily and rely on the sage advice of many of
> it's posters,
> and sincerely try to put back what little I'm capable of.
> What I'm seeing more and more, however, and what makes me a little sad and
> nostalgic for the pioneering days, is a general movement towards
> "complaining to the developers" 'cause something doesn't work to a user's
> full expectations.
> I make a point of swallowing my flamage, however I think that
> it's time for
> us all to remember that Linux is a journey, not a destination.
> We owe a huge debt of gratitude to open source developers the world over,
> and for us blessed few to have chosen Mandrake-Linux, we owe the
> Mdk team a
> bloody big thank you.
> On behalf of every internal voice I have that curses your work when it
> doesn't do what I think it should ;-) , THANK YOU.  I promise I'll have
> patience and I'll always try to remember how hard you folks work, for not
> enough material reward.  I'll try to pay you back with my
> evangelism of your
> work.
> --
> Simon Cousins
> Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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