richard wrote:

> noting the comments made about using this a as free support service , I'm
> probally going to get flamed for asking this one !
> starting executable script in Mandrake , are there any major differences
> between mandrake and redhat ?
> ie if a script is executable as root, and is shown so from a  "ls -l"
>  and if say the file was called "fred"  is there a reason I should
> get the response " bash:  ./fred :no such file or directory".
> I'm porting a system over from Suse 7.0 , there's nothing I can see in
> these scripts to cause this.
> Any one got a idea to point me in the right direction
> Thanks
> Richard

Generally, when I get this error the 'unfound' file is not, as in your case
./fred, but some fole referenced in the script. It would be nice if the
message was more explicit, but there you go!.
So, check through the script and check on any files referred to in it.

Ronnie Whipp

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