Forgive me for asking, but what do you mean by a false identiy?

Isn't a congested network that doesn't have enough bandwidth for an ICMP 
packet a problem?

Assuming the congestion problem is not persistent, you could either increase 
the ping count from 4 and/or use "-i" to set a longer send interval, thus 
increasing your sample duration.  Just how long will you accept to type of 
congestion you're concerned about?  Your tolerence exceeds mine!

You might consider analyzing traceroute output, perhaps you can identify 
"acceptable" lag within your subnet.

On Thursday 01 February 2001 09:03, you wrote:
> I'm using the following to check for an unsuccessful ping, but if
> the line is open and bottlenecked enough to return a hundred percent
> loss, then the ping will return a false identity.  Any suggestions?
> ping -c 4 -R > search-opening-data 2>&1;
> MOKAY=`egrep -ie packets search-opening-data | gawk -F " " '{print
> $7}'`; if [ "${MOKAY}" = "100%" ]
> Ignore the omittance of the remaining "if" statement.
> Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
>       list/newsgroup address in Cc: and my email address in To:.
> *********************************************************************
> Signed,
> SoloCDM

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