
Yesterday I upgraded from KDE 2.0 to 2.01 via the mandrake update facility 
(not from the KDE FTP site). At first all seemed well but then I found I no 
longer had sound. Then I noticed that I couldn't access ny floppy or cdrom 
drives from Win4Lin which I use to run some Windows programs.

I had a look at the permissions in the /dev directory and discovered that all 
devices were owned by root. In other words, when I logged in as an ordinary 
user the permissions had not been changed to allow me to use devices such as 

I did a bit of homework and learned that this is normally achieved by 
/libs/security/pam_console.so which reads /etc/security/console.perms in 
which is specified the devices to which an ordinary user should have access.

I suspected that the problem may be with kdm, the KDE login manager so I 
changed the login manager to gdm (edited /etc/sysconfig/desktop), the Gnome 
login manager and this solved the problem, i.e., as an ordinary user I now 
own devices such as audio.

I am surprised that others have not mentioned having the same problem as this 
has happened every time I have tried upgrading to 2.01 but until now I had 
not figured out what was going on.

Any clues as to a remedy?

David Regan
Department of Biochemistry
University of Sydney
NSW 2006
tel: +61 2 9351 3746
mob: 0400 779 377
fax: +61 2 9351 4726

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