Hello all,

I am attempting to get Apache +PHP working on Mandrake 7.2, using the 
default Apache and PHP binaries and any updates from Mandrake.
The only library file in the php4 package from Mandrake is 
AFAIK this is the same as the mod_php4.so that the documentation talks 
about (though its not located in the same dir as the rest of Apache's 
AFAIK, httpd.conf needs a .c file to go along with  the .so file
"If somewhere in your httpd.conf file you have a ClearModuleList line
then you also need this line:
AddModule mod_php4.c"
I'm not experienced at all with Apache mods. Is my udnerstanding of the 
proceedure off, or is the binary missing files?
Thanks for your time...if this is a bug I will submit it in the proper 
fashion, but I want to be sure first...


Mike MacCana            Support Consultant  
          C Y B E R S O U R C E
   Level 9, 140 Queen St Melbourne 3000
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