One easy to understand, graphical sniffer/traffic analyzer is etherape.  It 
will produce a display of all the active addresses (IP or MAC) in a given 
network domain and show traffic patterns by type (TCP/IP, UDP, etc) by color 
code and amount of traffic by line thickness.  It is gtk+ based and is 
simple.  For simply checking out traffic load, this would do it quite well.

dsniff and snort are raw packet sniffers (of the two I like snort, 

On Tuesday 06 February 2001 10:23, Wayne Stout you wrote:
> Greetings, everyone.
> I need some assistance in defending the recently added Linux server to
> my boss. Over the last few months, we've been having intermittent
> networking problems, and since the Linux server was the most recent
> addition (server-wise) to the network, it's getting the blame.
> So far, we've seen the NIS services die twice over a 3 month period and
> the NFS service on a seperate NCR Unix box died this morning. I can't
> see any reason why the Linux server would be "generating excess
> traffic", as the charges go.
> So, I need some way to prove the guilt or innocence of the Linux box.
> I've been looking around for decent network sniffers, but am at a loss
> for what I'm looking for or at. Is there a good How-to or article I can
> read to help me figure out if indeed I have managed to horribly
> misconfigure the server?
> Thanks in advance,
> Wayne

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

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