Thanks to everyone that replied.

   It turns out that the port is closed.
I ran strobe against the machine several times and it returned all ports closed.
I tried to telnet to it, and could not connect.

  Looks like a false positive, and I (being way to paranoid) reacted too quickly.

  Thanks everyone

  Dany Allard

Matthew Micene wrote:

> On Wednesday 07 February 2001 12:08 pm, dany allard wrote:
> > 31337/tcp  filtered    Elite
> The fact that nmap reported this port as filtered is also significant.
> From the nmap man page:
>         'Filtered means that a firewall, filter, or other network obstacle is
>         covering the port and preventing nmap from determining whether the port
>         is open.'
> This may then be a false positive.  Check the output of netstat -a --inet
> (from a trusted binary if you are really worried) to see what processes
> have sockets open and listening to network ports.
> More than likely nmap received a specific kind of non-response when it hit
> this port that allowed it to identify a packet filter in place.
> --
> Matthew Micene                     A host is a host from coast to coast,
> Systems Development Manager        and no one will talk to a host too close
> Express Search Inc.                Unless the host that isn't close
>              is busy, hung or dead

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